Issue Archives

  Visual into Visual. Text into Visual. Text into Text. Visual into Text.

When governmental actors offend federal rights, victims are often left with no one to hold accountable in federal courts. This Article explores this accountability gap in cases involving local officialsโ€™ violations of the Constitution. Local government, after all, is the layer of government that is often closest to our daily lives, from law enforceยญment to education. This Article argues that as a descriptive matter, contrary...

Lower courts disagree about whether and when the Fifth Amendment permits prosecutors to raise an adverse inference of guilt from a criminal suspectโ€™s silence. In Salinas v. Texas, the Supreme Court introduced a new wrinkle into the constitutional analysis: Suspects must first expressly invoke their right to remain silent during police questioning in order to later claim protection for that silence at trial. Significantly, silence...

Since it was decided in 2003, Lawrence v. Texas has underยญwritten the effort to expand access to marriage to same-sex couples. It is curious that Lawrence has served as a foundation for same-sex marriage. After all, Lawrence was not a case about marriageโ€”same-sex or otherwise. Instead, Lawrence was a case about criminal sex and more specifically about limiting the stateโ€™s authority to regulate and...

International comity is one of the principal foundations of U.S. foreign relations law.

The doctrines of American law that mediate the relationship between the U.S. legal system and those of other nations are nearly all manifestations of international comityโ€”from the conflict of laws to the presumption against extraterritoriality;

  • from the recognition of foreign judgments to the
  • doctrines limiting...

  For me, Harvey Goldschmid and Columbia are inextricably connected. I canโ€™t think of one without the other. Harvey discovered his passion for learning as a student at the college and the law school. Only five years after graduating, Harvey returned to Columbia to join our faculty, serving for four and a half decades. When […]

    Others in this tribute, more qualified to do so, will certainly comment on Harvey Goldschmidโ€™s impeccable scholarship and outstanding public service. I will devote my space to our personal and professional relationship spanning forty-plus years in many endeavors, often connected to Columbia Law School. Harvey will be remembered as not only brilliant, but […]

    Harvey Goldschmid was a Renaissance Manโ€”extraordinary teacher, far-sighted public servant, skillful negotiator, and corporate statesman. But someยญtimes, less attention is given to his career as a legal scholar. Here too, however, his work has had impact and will last. Let me focus briefly on two examples. At the request of his Columbia colleague […]


Sara Mayeux *

Many accounts of Gideon v. Wainwrightโ€™s legacy focus on what Gideon did not doโ€”its doctrinal and practical limits. For constituยญtional theorists, Gideon imposed a preexisting national consensus upon a few โ€œoutlierโ€ states, and therefore did not represent a dramatic doctrinal shift. For criminal procedure scholars, advocates, and jourยญnalists, Gideon has failed, in practice, to guarantee meaningful legal...


Abraham Bell* and Gideon Parchomovsky**

The propertyโ€“information interface is perhaps the most crucial and undertheorized dimension of property law. Information about proยญperty can make or break property rights. Information about assets and property rights can dramatically enhance the value of ownership. Conยญversely, a dearth of information can significantly reduce the benefits associated with ownership. It is surprising, therefore, that contemporary property theorists do not engage...