Issue Archives


Jessica Clarke*

In their article Unsexing Pregnancy, David Fontana and Naomi Schoenbaum undertake the important project of disentangling the social aspects of pregnancy from those that relate to a pregnant womanโ€™s body. They argue that the law should stop treating the types of work either parent can doโ€”such as purchasing a carseat, finding a pediatrician, or choosing a daycareโ€”as exclusively the domain of the pregnant woman. The projectโ€™s primary...

As the impacts of climate change become increasingly severe and perceptible, corporations that continue to disregard the risks created by the Earthโ€™s shifting climate stand to suffer significant financial harm. Particular sectors, such as the oil and gas industry, are especially susceptible to the effects of climate change and are already experiencing losses in value due to extreme weather events, disrupted operations, and environmenยญtal regulations....

Faced with potentially staggering human and economic costs, governments around the world are beginning to plan and implement adaptive measures designed to stem the effects of climate change. Some of these adaptations will likely benefit certain property owners and communities at the expense of others. For example, seawalls intended to save valuable parcels of land from sea-level rise could wind up forcing seawater onto neighboring parcels that...

The constitutionally mandated decennial enumeration of the U.S. population is indispensable to the equitable distribution of political and economic resources. As we approach the 2020 Census, however, several factors converge that both undermine how we count change in commuยญnities of color and conflict with shifting demographics and power dynamics, making accurate accounting especially urgent. Among these, perhaps most notable is the threatened...

Article II of the United States Constitution vests โ€œthe executive powerโ€ in the President. For more than two hundred years, advocates of presiยญdential power have claimed that this phrase was originally understood to include a bundle of national security and foreign affairs authorities. Their efforts have been highly successful. Among constitutional originalยญists, this so-called โ€œVesting Clause Thesisโ€ is now conventional wisdom. But it...

In early 2018, the federal government announced that it would ask every person in the country about their citizenship status on the 2020 Census. Controversy immediately followed. The Constitution makes the decennial census the federal governmentโ€™s very first express responsibility; it drove existential questions about represenยญtation and funding in 1790 and has become no less important in the centuries since. Many observers, including several...

An approaching shortage of OBGYNs threatens the demands of a growing population of reproductive-age women. This threat is exacerยญbated by a shaky medicalโ€“legal structure that places a disproportionate burden on the OBGYN professionโ€”a burden that patients are ultimately left to share. This Note explores the delicate interaction between medical malpractice litigation, the high-risk OBGYN profession, and patientsโ€™ access to healthcare. It then...

Pro-life pregnancy centers have been criticized for attracting clients through false or misleading marketing and, once clients are through the door, for presenting false or misleadingโ€”or at least incompleteโ€”inforยญmation. A common contemporary means of regulating pregnancy centers is through statutes that require pregnancy centers to give notice that their services are not comprehensive. In 2018, in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates...


Jasmine E. Harris *

The foundational faith of disability law is the proposition that we can reduce disability discrimination if we can foster interactions between disabled and nondisabled people. This central faith, which is rooted in contact theory, has encouraged integration of people with and without disabilities, with the expectation that contact will reduce prejuยญdicial attiยญtudes and shift societal norms. However, neither the scholarship nor disaยญbility law...

A handful of digital platforms mediate a growing share of online commerce and communications. By structuring access to markets, these firms function as gatekeepers for billions of dollars in economic activity. One feature dominant digital platforms share is that they have inteยญgrated across business lines such that they both operate a platform and market their own goods and services on it. This structure places domiยญnant platforms in direct competition...