* Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center, and Director, International Women’s Human Rights Clinic.
Issue Archives
* Partner, Outten & Golden, LLC. Ms. Peratis succeeded Ruth Bader Ginsburg as Co-Director of the ACLU Women’s Rights Project in 1974.
* J.D. 1969, Harvard Law School. The author co-founded the ACLU Women’s Rights Project with Justice Ginsburg.
* Partner and Co-Head of the Appellate Practice Group, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. Mr. Tripp clerked for Justice Ginsburg in October Term 2007.
** Harlan Fiske Stone Professor of Constitutional Law, Columbia Law School. Professor Metzger clerked for Justice Ginsburg in October Term 1997.
* Partner, Susman Godfrey LLP. Clerked for Justice Ginsburg in October Term 2006.
* Chief Justice of the United States.
The COVID-19 crisis has tragically revealed the depth of racial inequities in the United States. This Piece argues that the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on racial minorities is a symptom of a failing approach to public health, one that privileges individual behaviors over the structural conditions that generate vulnerability and inequitable health outcomes. Despite clear racial disparities in illness and deaths, the...
A defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him is a cornerstone of our adversarial system of criminal justice. Or is it? Under current law, defendants can invoke their confrontation right only by going to trial. But trials account for about five percent of criminal convictions. That means that the overwhelming majority of defendants convicted in the United States never get to exercise their constitutional right to confront the government’s...
In the 1951 case United States ex rel. Touhy v. Ragen, the Supreme Court determined that courts can’t hold federal agency officials in contempt for refusing to comply with nonparty subpoenas if they do so pursuant to valid agency regulations. Though the Court suggested that litigants could still challenge these noncompliance decisions, it didn’t flesh out what that process would look like. Following Touhy, federal...
This Article refutes the claim that the Constitution was originally understood to contain a nondelegation doctrine. The Founding generation didn’t share anything remotely approaching a belief that the constitutional settlement imposed restrictions on the delegation of legislative power—let alone by empowering the judiciary to police legalized...