This Article presents a revisionist account of the 1903 Supreme Court case Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographic Co. and the altogether decisive and damaging influence it has exerted on the making of modern American copyright law. Courts and commentators have long misunderstood Justice Holmes’s celebrated opinion for the majority in Bleistein...
No. 2
The traditional portrait of the administrative state often features the politically-appointed agency head at its center: the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, or the Secretary of the Department of Labor. This picture of bureaucratic power, however, is incomplete. For much of that power is, in fact, subdelegated within the agency. The implication is that decision rights are often exercised not by statutory delegates,...
Defendants may be liable under the False Claims Act (FCA) if they acted with “reckless disregard.” But can defendants be reckless if the laws they break are unclear? The Eighth Circuit says no: A defendant cannot be reckless if there is any “inherent ambiguity” in the relevant law. Its reasoning suggests that textual ambiguity alone is enough to foreclose liability completely. This Note argues to the contrary: if all other elements of the...