Symposium 2023

A Symposium on “Property and Education”

Sponsored by Texas A&M School of Law

Faculty Sponsors: Professors Timothy Mulvaney (Texas A&M School of Law) and LaToya Baldwin Clark (UCLA School of Law)

Friday, February 10th, 2023
8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Jerome Greene Hall
435 West 116th Street
New York, NY 10027

Registration for this event is now closed.

Decisions surrounding property law and policy shape some of our most meaningful social and economic relationships. This symposium will critically examine the various ways in which these decisions — on district-mapping, zoning, financing, curricular innovation, and well beyond — structure the educational system that serves as the backbone of our social and market lives in a constitutional democracy. 

Featured Authors

Michelle Anderson, Stanford Law School

LaToya Baldwin Clark, UCLA School of Law

Yuvraj Joshi, British Columbia Allard School of Law

Lange Luntao, Education Trust-West

Rachel Moran, UC Irvine School of Law

Timothy Mulvaney, Texas A&M School of Law

Nicole Stelle Garnett, Notre Dame Law School

Erika Wilson, UNC School of Law

Peter Yu, Texas A&M School of Law

Schedule of Events

8:00-8:30 amCoffee and light breakfast available
8:30-8:45 amOpening remarks
8:45-9:40 amPanel 1: Educational Boundaries
9:40-9:50 amCoffee break
9:50-10:45 amPanel 2: Educational Justice
10:45-10:55 amCoffee break
10:55-11:35 amPanel 3: Educational Resources
11:35 am-12:10 pm Lunch
12:10-12:50 pmClosing Roundtable with All Panelists (*in-person only)
12:50-1:00 pmFarewell from CLR
1:00-2:00 pmInformal Reception with desserts and coffee

This symposium is free to all attendees. Registration is required.

Please direct all questions to the Columbia Law Review Symposium Editor.

Current Call for Symposium & Timeline:

Symposium 2022-2023
We are no longer accepting symposium proposals for the 2022-2023 academic year. We will begin soliciting proposals for the 2023-2024 academic year in January 2023. If your proposal is selected, there will be an accompanying issue of the Columbia Law Review dedicated to publication of the works generated by the symposium. Please send any questions or proposals to Thank you for your interest!

If looking forward to submitting a proposal next year, please note the proposal requirements below:

Proposals should include a detailed 2⁠–⁠3 page explanation of:

  • the proposed topic;
  • the reasons for convening a symposium now;
  • the proposed structure of panels at a live event;
  • a list of participants, including both individuals who have already confirmed they can participate or those that an organizer anticipates asking to participate; and
  • any available sources of funding for the live event.*

*Please note that additional funding is not required for the submission of a proposal, but it is encouraged as it helps defray the costs for the live event for the Review.