No. 1

The rules and practices of criminal procedure assume a clean separa­tion between the interests of the public and the interests of the lone defendant who stands accused. Even the names given to criminal pros­ecutions often declare this dichotomy, as in jurisdictions such as California, Illinois, Michigan, and New York that caption criminal cases “The People of the State of X v. John Doe.” This Essay argues that this traditional people/defendant...

Foreign patrimony laws nationalize ownership of cultural property found within a nation’s borders and prohibit export or private owner­ship. They are enforceable in the United States under the McClain doc­trine. In defending against McClain-doctrine suits to repatriate stolen cul­tural property, defendants have begun to assert the “inactivity defense,” which is premised on the theory that enforcing certain patri­mony...

Auer deference holds that reviewing courts should defer to agen­cies when the latter interpret their own preexisting regulations. This doc­trine relieves pressure on agencies to undergo costly notice-and-com­ment rulemaking each time interpretation of existing regulations is neces­sary. But according to some leading scholars and jurists, the doc­trine actually encourages agencies to promulgate vague rules in the first instance, augmenting...